A study released last month and covered in the New York Times (see below) suggests many people’s sense of isolation increased even as the public health crisis in the United States began to abate. The findings suggest recovery from the pandemic may take a long time and could affect people’s view of their relationships over time. Recovering from social isolation is hard and does not simply stem from increased social contact say the researchers.
So there’s that. Then, what has been fascinating, is the mass resignations of people from lower-paid and often under-valued work. Experts are labeling it a pandemic-fueled national reassessment of work.
Of course, I am quick to point out how this all plays into the need for Sage Stream, our Senior Entertainment and Education Network. People are still isolated and need connection. Activity professionals, especially non-directors, continue to leave the profession. That adds up to inconsistency of experience and quality of life for residents. We recently completed our proof of concept shows with the National Association of Activity Professionals. See the article in McKnight’s below about the results as well as the recommendation letter association director Alisa Tagg sent to us!
Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Social isolation in the U.S. rose even as the Covid crisis began to subside, new research shows.
Per my opening paragraphs, here is the article of the New York Times looking at a new study regarding social isolation.
We completed our proof of concept programs for the National Association of Activity Professionals. McKnight’s Long-Term Care generously allowed us to write about it.
Also, association director Alisa Tagg sent us this generous letter of appreciation.
You can check and use the two weeks of programming in return for your feedback. Videos here: https://vimeo.com/user13085299 Survey feedback here.
We are creating a wait-list for people who want individual or gift subscriptions to Sage Stream, the Senior Education & Entertainment Network.
Volunteering in nursing homes gives teens experience and career inspiration
One of the goals of Sage Stream is to foster intergenerational communication and relationships. That’s why this article caught our attention. A program sponsored by the New Jewish Home health system in New York that combines volunteering and free training for entry-level health jobs, career coaching and assistance on her college prep is helping make hopes come alive.
Man with Alzheimer’s forgot he was married to his wife. He proposed, and they wed again.
Many of you may have caught this story as it made the rounds and also was featured on CBS.
59 percent of assisted living providers report workforce decline
Fifty-nine percent of assisted living providers responding to a small survey by the American Health Care Association / National Center for Assisted Living said that their overall “workforce situation” has declined since 2020. I referenced earlier the pandemic-fueled national reassessment of work. Perhaps that is what is playing into it.
Caregiver Smile Summit -
Purchase all three Summits for $49.
Use them as a substitute for your Caregiver Conference just as Rural Resources Community Living Connections in Pullman, Washington did this year.
The Caregiving Crisis Didn’t Start with COVID-19. It Won’t End With Biden’s $400 Billion Plan
A national network helping to grow the movement for family-friendly workplace policies—say the proposed Biden plan of $400 billion should only be seen as an initial investment, not a solution to the caregiving crisis. Interesting perspective.
Are “Accessory Dwelling Units? a Thing?
We have seen granny pods in the press in the past. I guess they have now given them this fancy name. They made a showing during the pandemic. Will that be a trend?
In the Media
Five Tech Tools tp Fight Social Isolation, Sixty and Me
NAAP and Sage Stream pilot innovative program delivery network, McKnight’s.
I am eSpeakers certified. What does that mean? Click on the photo to find out more.
Greater National Advocates features my Sixty and Me article.
90-year-old makes hats for newborns - 11,000 of them!
Jeanie Shaffer doesn’t watch television. She’s too busy making tiny hats by hand.
For more than 15 years, the 90-year-old Shaffer has spent countless hours sitting at her kitchen table creating miniature hats for newborn babies at UPMC Western Maryland. It’s part of her regular evening ritual, and she’s made well over 11,000 hats to date.